Project Overview
After doing some research, I found that 93% of Americans can not define and apply the four basic health insurance terms. I wanted to create an application that not only aided users with their insurance management, but their practical knowledge and health. With this in mind, I designed a sleek, easy to use application for users to utilize their insurance with confidence.
December 2021 - February 2022
Design thinking process
I utilized the Design Thinking Process while creating Insurance Admin.
This allowed me to collect data, organize that data, and apply it to create tests and solutions for my users
Understanding the problem ● Observe ● Point of View ● Ideate ● Prototype ● Test
My Role
UX Design
UX Research
UI Design
Visual Design
User Interviews
User Personas
User Stories
User Flows
Wireframing & Prototyping
Hand Sketching
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Usability Hub
Understanding the Problem
I created a problem statement & solution to refer to during the design process.
Problem Statement
Users need a way to organize & understand their insurance plan with current and future providers because health insurance understanding is lacking in all adult generations. We will know this to be true when a user can easily overview their insurance plan and feel confident in their choices.
An application where users can easily view and manage their health insurance while gaining knowledge.
Competitive Analysis
An application where users can easily view and manage their health insurance while gaining knowledge
I completed two SWOT profiled to identify strength and weaknesses, as well as a UX analysis.
main takeaway
There is room in the market for a new insurance application that not only focuses on management, but application and education without overwhelming the user.
Business requirements document
I created a Business Requirement for insurance admin. A BRD is so valuable when it comes to balancing goals of the end user with those of the business. This is an opportunity to get all the stakeholders on the same page when it comes to business goals and customer needs all while addressing stakeholder concerns.
This starts with stakeholder interviews, and I use those to create realistic expectations on what the application does, who it is for, and what it’s going to take.
This starts with stakeholder interviews, and I use those to create realistic expectations on what the application does, who it is for, and what it’s going to take.
Research Goals
1. To better understand if my users currently utilize an insurance app, and why/why not.
2. Determine what features would be valuable to my users.
3. Document friction points with leading health insurance applications on the market.
4. Conduct user surveys and determine what would be important to my potential users
Research Goals
I conducted user interviews with 5 users that are in the target group, and created an affinity map to organize my findings, insights, and solutions.
main takeaways
- None of my users felt confident in their knowledge with health insurance.
- None of them could define nor apply all 4 key terms (deductible, co-insurance, co-pay, and out-of-pocket
- All users would enjoy an organizational tool that would aid in their understanding of health insurance
- Users would enjoy an interactive where they could find different doctors & specialists within their network
point of view
User Persona Analysis
Using the findings from my research, I created User Personas that are in the target group for Insurance Admin.
User story Analysis
I then created User Journeys for their paths within Insurance Admin.
User Flows
Using Lucid, I created User Flows for two tasks:
viewing physical therapy coverage & updating insurance plan
View physical therapy coverage
Entry Point
Success Criteria
Physical therapy coverage displayed
Update insurance details
Entry Point
Success Criteria
Display current insurance
Card Sorting
I completed a closed card sort with 5 participants and 16 cards total. Using these results, I updated my sitemap to the one below.
Wireframes & Prototypes
I started by hand drawing sketches of my screens, and moved on to low fidelity wireframes on the web.
After designing the basic layout of Insurance Admin, I created mid and high-fidelity wireframes via Figma and Adobe XD.
I adapted the design to adhere with Visual Design Principles and iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
Home Screen
Find a Provider
to view the clickable prototype
Usability Testing
The goal for these tests is to evaluate the overall usability of this application with my users. Are my users able to complete the core tasks provided, are there common errors among my users, and do they enjoy using this application.
1. Find a doctor using interactive map
2. Update insurance within the app
3. View insurance coverage details
In light of these tasks..
1. How many errors do my users make while completing tasks?
2. What are these errors, are they common?
3. Do my users enjoy completing these tasks? What is the overall usability
Affinity Mapping
I organized notes from my tests an organized them into four categories: Observations, Positive Quotes, Negative Quotes, and Errors.
rainbow spreadsheet
I translated these findings into a rainbow spreadsheet and used Jakob Nielsen’s Scale to decide which issues should be prioritized. Then I changed the design to fix those issues.
Preference Test
These results weren’t statistically significant, so I will choose the light theme as the default.
Users may choose to switch to “dark mode” in their settings.
I tested the home screen of the application via Usabilityhub on January 27th, 2020. With 21 participants, I presented a light and dark theme. Test results indicated 42% preferred the light theme, and 58% the dark.
I edited basic elements of my design to create inclusion for my users, regardless of circumstances.
Font too small, no placeholders.
- Enlarged text
- Input placeholders
Need stronger contrast for text & icons.
- Darkened background
- Darkened font color to better
contrast button
- Enlarged text
Need stronger contrast for text & icons.
- Darkened border on icons
while page is inactive
- Darkened fill while page is active
- Added placeholder text to all icons, whether active or not
Style Guide
Final thoughts
Future Ideations
My original hypothesis will remain constant throughout future iterations. I’ll continue to design & prototype more screens including doctor details on the map screen, the “more” page, and details on users’ deductible and insurance details.
What have I learned?
Creating this project, I was able to learn new software such as Adobe XD, Figma, and grow my knowledge with Adobe Photoshop.
I also learned how valuable research from potential users can be. Interviewing one’s target audience can bring some important things to light the team may not have come up with on their own.
Main Takeaway
As a millennial, Human Centered Design has been a part of my life as long as I’ve used technology. Being able to study, observe, and apply it with a detailed view has added so much value to my UX/UI knowledge, and I look forward to continuing the process.